I want to say THANK YOU!!! to everyone that donated to our last drive for SOAR (Strengthening Opportunities Actions Resources, Inc.). It was a Huge success. We collected over 1400 items ranging from clothing, creative play, outerwear, footwear, baby furniture, books, and more.
I’m working as quickly as possible to put together donation receipts and will send them out to everyone. Even if you don’t want one, we have to document by law what we’ve collected as well as where they’ve went.
The items from this drive went to different organizations we partnered with which include Sisters Of Life, Briarwood Family Residence (Family Shelter), Catholic Workers, and Punjabi Bethlehem Church.
I will be posting soon in regards to classes and workshops for adults and kids. Some will be online and some will be in person for those that would love the in person social interaction.
Thank you again and have a great night!